Переставте буквы в другом порядке? английский язык — Решинка.ру

Переставте буквы в другом порядке? английский язык

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An anagram is a word that is made from another word by putting letters in a different order. Example: Change teach into something dishonest people do. — cheat

1. Change sport into places where ships stop.
2. Change grown into the opposite of right .
3. Change skis into something you do with your lips.
4. Change miles into a sign of happiness.
5. Change drawer into a kind of prize.

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1. Change sport into places where ships stop — ports
2. Change grown into the opposite of right  — wrong
3. Change skis into something you do with your lips — kiss
4. Change miles into a sign of happiness — smile
5. Change drawer into a kind of prize — reward

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