Прочитайте текст ниже и выберите слово, которое лучше всего подходит для каждого пробела? — Решинка.ру

Прочитайте текст ниже и выберите слово, которое лучше всего подходит для каждого пробела?

335 просмотров

Read the text below and choose the word that fits best for each space. The first one is done for you.
Underwater Games
Have you ever seen dolphins? Dolphins are mammals that (0) live in seas and oceans. Dolphins are smart animals, but they are (1) curious and playful. One of the most (2) facts about dolphins is how much they enjoy playing. Dolphins can (3) jumping above the surface of the water and landing on their backs, bellies, or sides just for fun. Dolphins even find ways to entertain (4) under the water. (5) they do not have objects to play with, they make (6) own toys out of air! (7) fish, dolphins are mammals that breathe air. They can stay under the water (8) 15 minutes with one breath. Dolphins can control when they breathe out. The air comes out through their blowholes and makes bubbles. One kind of air bubble is shaped (9) a circle. It (10) a bubble ring, and it happens to be the perfect sea toy. Many scientists (11) filmed and photographed dolphins playing with bubble rings. Sometimes (12) looks like dolphins use the bubble rings as targets. They will hit the bubbles with their long noses or spin around and slap the bubbles with their tails. Dolphins also try to bite the bubbles. (13) , dolphins use bubble rings to create more of a challenge. (14) playful mammals will make a big bubble ring and try to swim through it. They have been seen trying to catch a bubble ring or move it around without breaking it. Sometimes they can (15) two or three bubble rings together. It is (16) fun game for the dolphins! (17) experts think that dolphins also use bubble rings to help them hunt for food. Dolphins swim beneath the fish and send up bubbles. The bubbles cause the fish to move toward the surface of the water. (18) the dolphins swim in and grab a tasty snack. It is amazing (19) dolphins play with bubble rings. It does not matter if dolphins use bubble rings to help them hunt for food or use them just for fun. What matters (20) dolphins have fun playing with all the bubbles they make.

Анонимный пользователь

1 — also
2 — surprizing
3 — be seen
4 — themselves
5 — since
6 — their
7 — unlike
8 — for up to
9 — like
10 — is called
11 — have
12 — it
13 — in addition
14 — these
15 — join
16 — a
17 — some
18 — then
19 — how
20 — is that

Анонимный пользователь